餐飲業中央廚房生產主管能外派(需求人數:1 人)
  ◎ 職務內容說明
【職務編號】 JA12304 
【職務類別】 傳產類生產管理主管 
【職務說明】 餐飲業中央廚房生產主管能外派

• Plan, organize, manage and control various production facilities & related budget in the group to ensure the products are manufactured efficiently, on time, within budget and to standard.
• Forecast & Develop the capacity planning for the production department. Propose any new process, facilities and/or planning to ensure the production facilities can cope with the group’s business development plan.
• Setting the system & process flow for production to ensure safety (both products and labour), efficiency & effectiveness in production operations and the linkage with the flow among supply chain, business operations & various functions.


• Development and Formulation of the long term and short range manufacturing planning, policies, programs and objectives.
• Develop and monitor the production KPIs, review regularly, propose and carry out actions to achieve the KPIs set according to the direction aligned with the top management of the supply chain.
• Leading the team to coordinate and support the overall department and company strategies. Coach, feedback and provide development opportunities to subordinates and provide recommendations & actions on HR issues identified.


• Initiates and coordinates major production projects (e.g. new plant set-up, plant layout change, installation of capital requirement, major repairs, etc.)
• Develops the production plan and establishes procedures for up keeping the standards of manufacturing operations to ensure products conform to company standards & related specifications.
• Plan and carry out the quality control programs to ensure the finished products meet with the internal QA & HACCP standards or equivalent as per set by the group.
• Set, control and monitor the budget and productivity of the manufacturing facilities. Identifies, initiates and implements process or modifications to improve productivity, reduce cost & scrap and monitor scrap.
• Plan & forecast the production capacity for the group according to the business plan. Initiate and propose if any new facilities, equipment and or flow required to fulfill the business needs to the Director of Production & Procurement. Implement the plan as agreed and regular review on improvement opportunities.
• Directs and monitor the production team to accomplish the targets of the manufacturing plan, consistent with production and safety procedures.
• Implement and oversee a strong food safety program in conjunction with Head of QA. Make sure all kitchen employees are maintaining the HACCP programs.

【職務分類】 高階人才 
【工作性質】 全職 
【接受身份類別】 上班族   
【詳細工作地址】  越南  
【工作待遇】 依公司規定 
【可上班日期】 一個月內 
【上班時段】 08:00-17:00 
【休假制度】 依公司規定 
 ◎ 公司相關資料
【年齡限制】 依據就業服務法,取消年齡限制
【工作經驗】 6年以上工作經驗 
【學歷要求】 高中  專科   
【科系限制】 工程學科類全部 
英文 中等 中等 中等 中等
A. 本職務所需之電腦技能專長
  1. 辦公室應用 --
2. 作業系統 --
3. 程式設計 --
4. 資料庫 --
5. 繪圖軟體 --
6. 網頁技術 --
7. 多媒體軟體 --
B. 本職務所需之相關駕照
C. 本職務所需之相關認證
D. 本職務其他工作條件限制
【職務有效期限】 額滿截止
 ◎ 應徵方式
【職務聯絡人】 mike
【聯絡E-mail】 service@unijob.com.tw